IL-2 Desert Wings

Tobruk Campaign Details

In Greater Depth

The Campaign has many advanced features such as:

 - Real Time = Campaign Time, up to 12+ hour continuous sessions
- Persistent damage and destruction; damage repaired at real-time rates
- Real consequences to the enemy when objectives such as radar, airports, and manufacturing capabilities are damaged or destroyed
- Ever-changing mission objectives as the Campaign progresses
- Individual rank and recognition system for pilots, including privileges accorded to higher ranking pilots--for as long as you can stay alive
- Each player has two separate and independent careers--one as a bomber pilot, one as a fighter pilot
- Real consequences for in-game death--game timeout for a (short) period, and your entire career and stats are lost
- Knickebein radio beam navigation system, also used to guide Cover Bombers to target
- Command a bomber squadron--with cover bombers and fighters, players can assemble large, protected bomber groups to attack the enemy.

- Enemy fighter pilots have the fun of dealing with many large, well defended bomber groups organized and led by a real person
- Set up to facilitate real, successful large-formation high-altitude formation bomb attacks by bomber squadron commanders on both sides--like those that actually took place during the Battle of Britain.
- In-game radar system and General Situation Map (online)
- Detailed scoring and stats for individuals and teams
- Limited aircraft supply & production--even more limited when the enemy destroys your manufacturing plants & airfields. And they stay destroyed and out of commission until your Engineering Corps can manage to repair them, which is usually many hours, days, or even weeks later. Repair and Rearm is important.
- Detailed tracking of destroyed & damaged aircraft. Careless endangering or wasting of the team's aircraft supply by any team member will affect available supply levels for your entire team
- And MUCH more.

Flow of Battle


On first joining the campaign, choose your side wisely--red or blue. Whichever side you pick on first entering the campaign becomes your permanent team. (If you accidentally choose the wrong side on first entry, ask on the forums for help fixing it.)

Each side has vital national and military secrets that would be extremely damaging if enemy pilots discovered them. Unfortunately both sides have asked that spies not be allowed to fly with them!


Teamwork is paramount to winning the campaign, be sure to join us on Discord and the Forums and sign up with your respective teams to ensure you coordinate and fly with other pilots from your side.


Not all objectives are immediately listed, flying recon flights are how you find more objectives, special targets and help ensure your team always has somewhere to place those bombing runs.

Recon photos are automatically taken for processing at Photo Intelligence as soon as you land safely on friendly territory with your precious load of recon photos. If the photos don't process automatically upon landing, you can use chat command.


Most targets require a significant amount of accurate bombing to destroy--some more than others. Some are small point targets requiring high accuracy, some--such as airports--require more of a large amount of ordnance over a fairly large area. Others are a combination of both accuracy and ordnance amount.

Expect targets, especially important primary objectives, to be heavily defend by flak and AA, as well as local fighter patrols. Low altitude attacks are often suicidal; high altitude runs mean jockeying vs enemy fighters to successfully reach the target. 15000ft/5000m? 20000ft/6000m? Or maybe higher yet. Safety for bombers lies in large numbers, well coordinated close formations, altitude, and sufficient well trained cover fighters.

There are few targets that can be taken out by a single bomber or just a few bombs. That is why cover bombers are available to accompany you and multiply your effectiveness. Cover bombers will attack and bomb any coordinate point that is your currently active Knickebein target. If Knickebein is turned off (Tab-4-4-4-2) the bombers will follow you instead.

Chat command <ka 302432 403054 to add a Knickebein waypoint at the given map coordinate. This can be used for general navigation OR to attack or bomb an objective at that point. 


Please fly with bomber pilots and cover bomber formations and defend them. The bomber pilots NEED YOUR HELP to get through. Bomber pilots can call in a few cover fighter to help them, but they are not nearly as effective as real, well trained fighter pilots such as you. Coordinate via Discord or in-game chat to ensure you link up and head to the same objective together.

Right click the chat window to select chat targets--all, enemy, friendly, etc. NOTE: Many chat commands will not work if chat recipients are set to enemy, friendly, or area. Set recipients to ALL to send chat commands to the server. 


Note that the online stats page also includes detailed summaries of current in-game netstats, team points and objectives accomplished, which side is currently winning, and a summary of the entire session so far. Additionally, Team Score & Session Summary stats are recorded and stored for each session, a few times midway during the session and when the session ends.

Click "Team Stats Archive" on the online Campaign Stats Page to see today's history; click the date near the top of each Team Stats page to view the previous day's summary & history.

Useful Commands


Tab-4-6 - list of current objectives with map coordinates OR map sectors that need to be reconned.

Tab-4-5 - list of completed objectives for each side.

Tab-4-4-4-1 - list of destroyed/damaged objectives that will affect your activities, such as various radar towers or airports out.

Tab-4-9 - take a recon photo so that HQ can identify potential objectives in a given area. Fly about 20000ft/6000m in an aircraft with no bombs, then Tab-4-9 to take a recon photo.

Recon photos are automatically taken for processing at Photo Intelligence as soon as you land safely on friendly territory with your precious load of recon photos. If the photos don't process automatically upon landing, you can use chat command 


Tab-4-1 and Tab-4-2 for enemy/friendly radar listings from HQ. will now be extremely limited Small Short range Radars will be available and can be destroyed and you will have none at all in that area.

Tab-4-6 for list of Primary Objectives, with map coordinates if they have been scouted.

Tab-4-7 and Tab-4-8 to see lists of Secondary Objectives & other scouted objectives. List of objectives are also available on the Radar/General Situation Map online.

Tab-4-4-4-4-1 to start the Knickebein system and/or select the next Waypoint. Other Knickebein commands on the Tab-4-4-4-4 menu.

Use <cover to call in cover aircraft and <chelp to learn how to use the command more in-depth.


These commands are available at any friendly airfield regardless of if it is a spawnpoint, destroyed, ect. Keep in mind these command WILL NOT REPAIR your aircraft, only restock ammo, bombs and fuel.

<rr Rearms and Refuels the aircraft. <rr 50 would mean to refuel 50%. <rrf or <rrb means to load as a fighter, or as a bomber, with or without bombs. Use <rrhelp for more options.

This is a great advantage for flying and attacking/defending more distant areas in the map, as you can use ANY airport shown on the in-game map to R&R.

NOTE that bomb craters in airfields are dangerous--roll over one of them and your flight will be over in short order.

Use <help for more chat command options.


Tab-4-4-1 - Your current career, rank, and ace summary (fighter & bomber careers tracked & reported separated)

Tab-4-4-2 - Your current session stats (everything you have done this session, regardless of fighter/bomber career, deaths, etc)

Tab-4-4-3 - **REAL** Netstats - Real, accurate reporting on the stats, accomplishments, kills, and target destruction by every player this session. Please completely disregard in-game Netstats (shown by pressing the "N" key) as they are inaccurate and also very, very incomplete. The Tab-4-4-4-3 stats are both accurate and far more complete.

Tab-4-4-4-6 - Current overall status for the Campaign. Which side is winning?

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